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A search for 'Seal Team 8' gave the following results:

2 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
10 matches in composers
  1. The Track Team
  2. Sound Team JDK
  3. Atlus Sound Team
  4. IREM Sound Team
  5. Taito Sound Team
  6. Namco Sound Team
  7. Capcom Sound Team
  8. Falcom Sound Team J.D.K.
  9. KCE Japan Sound Team
  10. Taito Sound Team ZUNTATA

562 matches in tracks
  1. Assign Me to Away Team, Please*/Away Team Beams Into Sphere/Coil Grabbed, Seven Stays Behind/Seven Meets the Queen (09:34)
    from Star Trek: Voyager
  2. Side 1The A-Team (02:38)
    from A-Team, The
    Mike Post - from "The A-Team"
  3. "I Love It When A Plan Comes Together" / Original "The A-Team Theme" * (05:26)
    from A-Team, The
    * = contains the original "The A-Team Theme" composed by Mike Post & Pete Carpenter
  4. "I Love It When A Plan Comes Together" / Original "The A-Team (Theme)" * (05:26)
    from A-Team, The
    * = contains the original "THE A-TEAM (THEME)" written by Mike Post and Pete Carpenter
  5. "I Love It When a Plan Comes Together" / Original "The A-Team (Theme)"* (05:26)
    from A-Team, The
    * Contains the original "The A-Team (Theme)"Written by Mike Post and Pete Carpenter
  6. The Seal (M-6) (00:38)
    from Gamera: Ultimate Soundtracks 1995-1999
  7. The Seal (M-6) (00:38)
    from Gamera Daikaijû Kuchu Kessen
  8. The Seal (M-6) (00:38)
    from Gamera 2: Region Shurai
  9. The Seal (M-6) (00:38)
    from Gamera 3: Iris Kakusei
  10. Seal #1 (01:04)
    from Prince And The Pauper, The
  11. Seal Pup (05:48)
    from Järven Tarina
  12. Seal Pup (05:48)
    from Metsän Tarina
  13. Seal Pup (05:48)
    from Tunturin Tarina
  14. Seal Pup (05:48)
    from Tales Of A Forest, A Lake And The Sleeping Giants
  15. Seal #2 (00:58)
    from Prince And The Pauper, The
  16. Seal (02:41)
    from Jin-Rô
  17. Seal (M39) (00:00)
    from Mosura
  18. Seal #1 / Seal #2 (02:47)
    from Adventures Of Mark Twain, The
  19. Seal #1 / Seal #2 (02:47)
    from Prince And The Pauper, The
  20. Cry to Me (02:49)
    from Dirty Dancing
Show all 562 matching tracks